For a Healthier World Lead by Example

Leading by Example
Vegan Movement
There’s no doubt that the “vegan movement” wants to see veganism go mainstream, and for good reason. A world of whole food plant-based diets would promote better health for all; it prevents, treats and reverses many diseases, it’s better for the environment (also a major health factor), it conserves water, it’s a tremendously more viable way to feed humans worldwide, it eliminates food related animal cruelty, and it’s cheaper (in totality). So why wouldn’t we so desperately want everybody to become vegan, right?
Change Is Hard
But the fact remains, for a multitude of deeply entrenched reasons, many people are resistant to this plant-based paradigm. The main opposition, the food industry, is clever, well financed, well funded and entrenched in the politics, decades of food industry propaganda on its side. Not to mention we love animal-based foods as well as crappy processed plant foods; they taste great, and for the most part are quick and easy to prepare. The processed plant products also have a longer shelf life, are quite addictive, and “everybody eats that way”.
But this piece isn’t about discussing all the factors associated with the resistance to veganism, and believe you me, it’s monumental. My intent is to simply share what I believe to be a way to actually soften the resistance without the force feeding (pun intended) and the politics, all of which many times tends to create more resistance. There’s a time and place to discuss/debate the pros & cons of plant-based diets but we must realize if you push too hard on non-receptive folks or even people trying to remain open-minded, it tends to cause them to circle the wagons.
Cultural Change Is Happening
The good news is that the movement is already afoot, but my guess is it will take a few more generations to see substantial change. If the environment sustains us that long.
Lead By Example and They Will Come
I believe our best bet is to simply lead by example. Choosing to go whole food plant-based is a healthy lifestyle choice, not a diet! Those who have transitioned or are in the process of adjusting to this lifestyle realize that the food is real, it’s just as satisfying as, if not better than a standard American diet. They’re feeling better, have more energy, less aches and pains, are actually getting healthier, losing weight, able to do more things, sleeping better, feeling less depressed, less anxiety, have clearer skin; and are actually preventing, treating and even reversing common chronic diseases; like heart disease.
These benefits are real and backed by science. And guess what? We’re not trying to sell anybody anything but a healthier lifestyle.
Like the commercials on TV where everybody looks like their having a good time smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating foods full of fat, salt, sugar and process grains (not to mention a multitude of unhealthy byproducts in the foods and drink). The only difference is we’re doing the same things, only while indulging in a healthy lifestyle diet, and reaping the benefits! Naturally… people will want to give it a try, and more and more they are!
Humans are inherently trend followers. Also, industries, believe it or not are trend followers too: Not because they want us to be healthy but because that’s where the money is headed.
The food industry leaders have been “tail-wagging the dog” for several decades now, but we can all see that the dog is beginning to wag the tail again. The food industry is beginning to follow demand, producing more and more vegan foods, transforming itself to follow what we are demanding. What they recognize as a new “sustainable trend”, not one where we have been brainwashed into believing. The food industry is following the money, we can see this in grocery stores, commercials on TV; marketing free range foods, nondairy milks, fiber products, organic, non GMO etc.
We have a long way to go, so we simply need to continue to lead by example and buy foods and products that support veganism and a healthier environment!
The General Public Is Already Transforming
The general public is beginning to follow the trend as well, eating less dairy, red meat, etc., and is gradually following the lifestyle change of consuming more plant-based foods. And why not, the reasons for change have veracity. People are becoming more open to what the plant-based science is telling us.
Plant Seeds – Avoid Debate With Cognitive Dissonance and Selctive Bias
Like sex, politics and religion, diet can be a highly volatile topic, and most people don’t want you trying to convert them. Even when people politely listen and somewhat agree with many of the plant based diet talking points, that’s not necessarily an open invitation to continue trying to convince them to convert. As a matter of fact, many times it can have the opposite effect, and will simply turns people off and sometimes polarizes them. Thus, in effect, many times we create adversaries,’ not future partners. It’s very important we not push too hard. It’s critical to realize that in many instances people are on a completely different wavelength and are very happy with where they currently are. It does little good to argue with selective bias.
Remember, those little seeds of information you instill in the curious will propagate when the conditions are right!
Continue To Set The Trend
Lead by example, and put your money where your mouth is (pun intended) and buy vegan, preferably organic and Whole Food Plant Based. No longer let the food industry “tail-wag the dog”, we have the power, not the food industry. Ethical capitalism follows the wants and needs of the people.